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Tommee Tipps

We know that it can be really tricky to get your little one into a healthy nighttime routine that allows you both to get enough shut eye.


The aim of the Tommee Tippee sleep range, is simple – to help families tackle one of the biggest challenges that early parenthood brings, getting a good night’s sleep!

We know that it can be really tricky to get your little one into a healthy nighttime routine that allows you both to get enough shut eye. Add in some sneaky seasonal clock-changes, which can play havoc with a little one’s circadian rhythms, and you have a recipe for a less-than-perfect start to the day.

Well, this is where our USB-powered Groclock sleep aid comes in!

It uses colours, symbols, and fun pictures to help toddlers and children who are too young to read an ordinary clock to understand when it’s time to sleep and when they can spring out of bed and start the day, regardless of how light or dark it is outside.

Helping to teach your little one to be independent when it comes to their sleep routine, Ollie the Owl takes centre stage, snoozing on a calming blue backdrop surrounded by hearts and stars at night, and shining in bright yellow like the sun during the day.

The Groclock’s brightness can be adjusted easily, and it comes with the option of an audible alarm and two-time settings that’re perfect for daytime naps or snoozy weekend lie-ins.

By listening to parents over the years, we’ve realised that their success with the Groclock also depends on how they introduce it into their child’s bedtime routine. Read on for some of our top sleep routine tips…

Top tips for toddler bedtime

Start with small increments

If your child is used to waking at 5.30am, don’t make the leap to a 7.30am wake-up straight away. Start with small time increments to help your child adjust and build a positive relationship with their Groclock.

Give lots of praise

Use a reward chart to show your little one just what they’ve achieved. If they earn a sticker and a small treat each time, they wait for their Groclock to turn from blue to yellow before getting up, they’ll be super motivated to stick to their new wake up time.

Try to persevere

Don’t worry if your new routine doesn’t fall into place right away. Some children take a little while to ‘get’ what the Groclock is all about, so do keep giving it a go and gradually build it into their nighttime routine.

Make it fun

When little one’s are engaged in the ‘magic’ of the Gloclock, they’re more likely to respond positively to it. Try to make getting off to sleep an engaging performance. Read them a story, say goodnight to Ollie the Owl, whisper when he falls asleep, and wish him good morning when the clock’s face turns from blue to yellow.

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