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Tommee Tipps

Choosing how to feed their baby is one of the things that new parents think about the most, it can sometimes be difficult or stressful.


Choosing how to feed their baby is one of the things that new parents think about the most, it can sometimes be difficult or stressful.

For some, plans change because they’ve experienced problems – perhaps their little one has a tongue tie and they’re struggling to latch, or they’re experiencing pain while feeding.

When your baby is first born, their stomach is tiny – about the size of a marble! At first, you’ll find that you’re feeding them little and often. Over the first few months, their appetite will grow, but so will the gaps between feeds.

Be sure to look out for feeding cues such as your baby moving their hands to their mouth, sucking on their fists and fingers, lip smacking, and fussing or crying. The sooner you notice these cues, the less distressed your baby will be and you’ll not need to calm them before attempting to feed.

Don’t worry, you’ll soon be a feeding pro!

If you can, maintain skin-to-skin contact with your newborn as you feed. This is a great way to bond and gives you a chance to enjoy some lovely newborn cuddles.

Breast, Bottle or Both?

The benefits of breastfeeding are widely talked about, and it’s an amazing way to give your newborn a great start in life. If, for whatever reason, you decide not to breastfeed, that’s okay too, bottle feeding still supports your baby’s growth and allows you to bond.

You should always consult your doctor or midwife to talk about your feeding journey.

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